
The Corner I Like Most

I call it my booth—the seat before the panoramic window overlooking the Qiantang River. Every time I read there, I am able to get distracted from the busy life for a while and find the peace of my mind.

A bohemian sunflower tapestry covers the window seat with several violet cushions patterned with vines. Sitting cross-legged on the puffy tapestry, leaning back among the soft cushions allows me to immerse myself into the world of Jane Austen.
My grandma’s antique low table in the center of the window seat is polished by the time. The smell of the camphorwood table takes me to the forest. If I close my eyes, I can imagine the fresh grassy air and the twitter of birds. As my fingers going across the table, the round corner gives me a taste of old times.

In spring, there will be a standing daffodil in a blue and white vase on the tea table. With the window open, the gentle breeze will carry the light fragrance of daffodils to me. The sunlight slants through the clear panoramic windows into the room. The white flora wallpaper baths in the sunlight and turns into mellow yellow. Sometimes, when I get tired, I will set aside the book, put on the headphones, lay my hand on the window frame, and overlook the Qiantang River from the 19th floor. The surface of the water with sparkling ripples is as intoxicating as Elizabeth Bennet. The Canon in D major passes me by. All the troubles and pressure in my life disappears at this moment. 

I will never be bored with enjoying myself there.

