
Boulder Dash

The sun was scorching. But the heat couldn't stop me from trotting into the lake. It seemed that the hot weather was nothing compared to having fun at the amusement park. Because there were people everywhere in the lake.

At the entrance, the first thing I saw was the Boulder Dash, which had been voted the world’s No.1 wooden roller coaster, stretching on the mountains. Half of it was hidden in the mysterious woods and the other half lay in silence under the clear blue sky. All of a sudden, with a high-pitched scream and a roar of the train, a rollercoaster zoomed past me like a rocket. It was too fast that I could barely tell what I had seen.

I couldn’t wait to experience the excitement of shrieking and yelling on the Boulder Dash. As I waited in line, the scream came from the depth of the woods again and again. Every time I heard it, my desire grew stronger. After 20 minutes, I finally boarded the Boulder Dash.

At first, the roller coaster climbed the mountain at a very low pace. As it became slower and slower, we were approaching the highest point, which was the start of the thrilling journey. My heart was pounding against my ribs with excitement as well as fear. It felt like that I was going to talk with someone I had crush on.

My heart was in my throat when we reached the pinnacle. I could hear the wind passing through the leaves. I could hear the noise made by the crowds. I could hear the breath of myself. The air was still.

Then, all at once, the roller coaster dived down the mountain. The tall guy who sat behind me cried out for mom and a girl around me shrieked like a soprano. Soon, the sound that the iron wheels hit the wooden track rose above all other sounds.

My brain was blank. Before I managed to calm myself down, the roller coaster climbed rapidly. Because the safety belt was not tight, I was almost thrown out at the apex. It kept going up and down time after time. I held the handrail firmly at first. Then I dared to loosen my hands and stretch my arms. They danced freely with the Boulder Dash. I was flying like an eagle as I had been many times in my dream. I wanted to laugh. But due to the strong rush of wind, my face twisted into a strange expression. Actually, my facial muscles were shaking.

Finally, after yielding enough screaming, the roller coaster started to slow down. Ann, who sat next to me was fixing her hair, puffing and panting. Still immersed in pleasure of flying through the woods, my heart beat could hardly came back to the normal rhythm.

As soon as getting off the Boulder Dash, words burst from people’s mouth. People just couldn’t stop talking about how exciting the experience was. I looked back to the track that wound into the woods. Ann and I smiled at each other, said at the same time

“Let’s do it again!”

